Nuria Aragón Castro´s Biography
I was born on the 17th of September 1971 in Madrid, Spain, being the youngest of three sisters of very similar ages.
The family I was born into was and still is very spiritual, although it might not seem like it to other people. But I insist, I was born into an extremely spiritual family as I grew up surrounded by love, harmony, consistency, consciousness and prosperity. My parents planned our family life very wisely. Proving high practical control over themselves and their egos, they gave away many of their personal likes and interests in order to keep family and communal welfare; they managed to maintain a strong and stable material, emotional and psychic harmony as we were educated under mutual service and respect following natural hierarchical values, thereby offering an idyllic atmosphere and a strong base to grow in this world. They taught me to have a vision of the future so that I could choose the path I wanted to take, conscious of the fact that any act has its consequences, and that every action has a reaction. They taught me how to try and learn to live the present in order to wisely live the future, while I accept, appreciate and evaluate the past.
My parents gave me so much love, I knew not how to handle such a powerful energy. This lead me to grow a lot, as much in the inside power and in the sensitivity as mind. To the point of my ego took me out unconsciously from the family home at early age. Thereby creating a lot of suffering to myself and others.
However, to be born and raised in a home where spirituality was a reality and not just a theory, is a powerful seed that eventually sprouts and begins to grow, as it was in my case.
The intense suffering I felt during a decade and a half after leaving home when I wasn’t able to understand the meaning of life, the way the world worked, the suffering, death’s call, minds, uncontrolled and opposed emotions… together with the feeling of being completely fed up with myself, with my thoughts and feelings, with my impossibility to be happy or keeping happiness, with my lack of understanding and my inability then to live an adult’s life, was the trigger that caused the seed planted by my parents to sprout, eager to become a strong and leafy tree bearing many fruits; especially from the 23rd of February 2003 when I began a very specific meditative practice that was then and it still is today in charge of watering that seed, plant and tree, refining and developing them more and more each day. Meanwhile, my parents continued to grow internally and to practice this spirituality (which people don’t usually recognize as such) and thanks to this we can still love each other and share beautiful moments.
And this is how I got, barefoot, to where I am today: the beginning of The Path to Life, that allows me to be born in myself and to know and truly live this Life.
Summer 2010.